First off, special thanks Leslie, Nicole, the whole Adam family and FATE for having us support on the show tonight.
“THE CRIME SCENE” would also like to thank all of our friends who made the trip w/ us this evening as well as our friends from the area for coming out!
Guess what? Our CDEP still isn’t out yet! But, its coming along nicely. We should have it out in time for Halloween.
THE TIME IS FUCKING NIGH! We are no longer known as "THE CRIME SCENE"...We are now called, "METRO." and if you don't like it, you'll just have to deal with it...
Our site, for the time being will remain at the same address, but expect a new site update/full rehaul coming later this week!
If you want us to play any “sexy parties” or tennis matches, please get in touch.
We are playing in Pennsville on October 16th. Mark your calendars.
With many internet hearts,